How Do We Operate?
The Congregational Holiness Church’s form of government is congregational. Our Articles of Faith, form of government, and conditions of membership cannot be changed except by a majority vote of the local churches.
At each quadrennial General Conference, we elect a full-time General Superintendent with the lifetime, honorary title of Bishop. This spiritual leader administers and directs the affairs and functions of the Congregational Holiness Church. The same General Conference also elects a 1st and a 2nd Assistant General Superintendent. These three superintendents along with an elected General Secretary and General Treasurer comprise the General Executive Board. Members of the General Executive Board serve four-year terms. In the USA, we are divided into districts with each district electing a five-member presbytery. The District Presbytery is made up of a Superintendent, a 1st and 2nd Assistant Superintendent, a Secretary/Treasurer and an AssistantSecretary/ Treasurer. District officials also serve four-year terms.
The General Executive Board, District Presbyteries, World Missions Executive Director, Mission USA Administrator, Brotherhood Executive Director, and Women’s Ministries Executive Director make up our General Committee. The General Committee transacts our church business between General Conferences. The General Conference of the Congregational Holiness Church is the highest governing body with full authority to designate teachings, principles, and practices of the local churches.