General Superintendent - Bishop Scotty Poole
Scotty Poole is a man who loves Jesus, loves the Word of God, and has a servant’s heart. Saved at the age of 16, Scotty began attending the Lula Congregational Holiness Church in Georgia. He served in many offices through the years as he grew in Christ. Those offices included teacher, deacon, and youth pastor, and world missions promoter. He accepted the call into pastoral ministry in 1994 and has pastored three churches in North Carolina and Georgia. He has served on the CHC North Georgia District Presbytery and as Executive Director for World Missions for the Congregational Holiness Church. Scotty is a life-long learner and earned his first degree at Brenau University in business administration, a Master of Divinity degree at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary (Church of God seminary), and is currently completing coursework for a Doctorate in Ministry from Liberty University. Scotty is married to Redenna Wiley Poole, and they have two amazing daughters who are married to two blessed ministers and are the happy grandparents of two grandboys. He is the author of “A New Way”, a resource book for new Christians.

Bishop Ronald Wilson

Bishop Stephen Phillips
Rev. Tim Lumley

Rev. Danny Jones

Rev. Jonathan Fitzpatrick
Rev. Anthony Baumann

Rev. Wanda Murray
Rev. Bobby Muncy

Mrs. Kim Causey

Lacy Duffee

Kristie Fitzpatrick