Celebrating CHC’s Newest Church Family – Bethesda Congregational Holiness Church

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On Saturday, March 20, Bethesda Congregational Holiness Church, located in Saluda, South Carolina, became the second church chartered for the CHC in 2021. The charter service was almost exactly eight months after the church's first Sunday, which was on July 25, 2020. Pastor Cesar Beteta shared with those in attendance, "When we started the church, we thought it would just be our family in attendance. However, from the first service, we have had more and more people come and worship with us. We prayed that the Lord would send the people into the church to fill the church and help us with our music. God answered by sending families and one talented young man who plays many instruments."


West Carolina District Superintendent James James began the service by greeting the people and sharing why we were gathered together. He led an encouraging devotion entitled, "The Commission to Build." Superintendent James challenged the people by admonishing everyone, "The charge is to tell someone about Jesus. We need your help, the Pastor's help, the members, but most of all the Lord's help to build the house." After the devotion, Pastor George James, West Carolina's District Secretary-Treasurer, greeted the people and covered the CHC's Articles of Faith. When the congregation was asked if they accepted the Articles of Faith, they responded with a resounding, Yes!


Mission USA Administrator Dr. Matthew Turner then greeted the people and led the congregation and Pastor Beteta in the covenant, charter, and charge for the establishment of the new church. It was exciting to hear and see dozens of men, women, and children be in agreement to reach their community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the banner of the Congregational Holiness Church.


Help us welcome the CHC's newest church family, Bethesda Congregational Holiness Church!

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