COVID-19 Resources and Encouragement Update

It has been wonderful to see the Church around the world unite in the face of an unprecedented crisis. I have watched so many of our CHC pastors step out of their comfort zones, consider new avenues of ministry, and continue to reach their communities with the Gospel of Christ. I could not be prouder to be a part of the Congregational Holiness Church.
The CHC wants to continue to communicate that we are here for the thousands of CHC pastors and over one million congregants around the world. We continually pray that God will grant vision, anointing, peace, and health to you all.
At General Headquarters, we have continued to work to provide the latest information, updates, and resources for our pastors and churches to best support you through this time. The CHC has taken the stance of urging our churches to follow the guidelines of social distancing and make smart decisions for the health and welfare of your congregation. We encourage our churches to continue to be creative in ministering to people.
I want to share a few pieces of encouragement and resources that are available to all our pastors and churches.
1) Prayer still changes things. As I watch and try to stay informed with what is taking place, it is easy to feel apprehensive and even fear about the current state of affairs. However, we have to remember that regardless of what it our world looks like, God is still on His throne and when we call on Him, He will surely answer. David wrote from experience in Psalm 34:3 “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” The Lord still delivers today. The current crisis that we face has not taken the Lord by surprise, nor has it sent the Lord into a panic.
Carey Nieuwhof wrote a great article on the subject of leading during a crisis called Crisis Leadership, Christian Leadership and The Coronavirus Epidemic.
2) I cannot stress enough as a General Official, a former pastor, as a husband and father, the importance of taking every step possible to keep yourself healthy. Our families, churches, and communities need our leaders to be a stabilizing force that continues to preach hope, peace, and faith in Christ. As leaders and followers of Christ, we can be and must be the ones who show others that there is peace and hope even in the midst of the most considerable uncertainty.
The CDC continues to give the latest guidelines and suggestions on how to best protect yourself from COVID-19 and other illnesses on their website.
3) On March 21st, the CHC held virtual meetings with all pastors around the United States. In the meeting, we shared about the online giving platform called This is the platform that the CHC now uses for all online giving. The platform allows people to give directly to your church with a debit/credit card or ACH transfer. It is a fast, safe, and simple process. You can sign up today for free here.
4) B-Two Media is a company that Headquarters uses for all types of consulting and media needs. The owners of B-Two have extended their help to our pastors and churches at no charge. The owners of B-Two Media are a part of the CHC family in North Alabama. If you have questions or are apprehensive about live-streaming, setting up social media, website creation, or other media questions, find them here.
5) With the extension of the social distancing guidelines, I am sure some pastors are wondering what they are going to do for Easter Sunday. If you are looking for ideas, take a look at this resource video for your Easter Sunday.
6) Need free graphics to help you best communicate on social media or your website? Take a look at these free resources by Radiant Printing &
7) Our communities still need to hear from the Church. How can the Church be the Church while at the same time honoring our local, state, and federal authorities? Read about some ideas called COVID-19 and How to Serve Your City.
Once again, know that Headquarters is always in prayer for all our people around the world. We are believing for a swift end to the COVID-19 outbreak and are looking for the Lord to continue to help the Church to shine bright in this world.
In His Service,
Matthew Turner, D.Min.
Mission USA Administrator, CHC Inc.