Welcome El Gran Yo Soy to the CHC family!

The Congregational Holiness Church welcomes El Gran Yo Soy CHC into our denominational family. The Lord continues to give the CHC great favor in new communities and areas around the country. El Gran Yo Soy is located in Columbia, South Carolina, and has assimilated into the West Carolina District. The church is led by Senior Pastor Rev. Javier Barahona. The West Carolina District Superintendent Rev. James James, and other district leaders are making a difference in the Kingdom as they work to establish new churches and raise new leaders. The following is a testimony from Superintendent James about the charter service for El Gran Yo Soy CHC.
"On Sunday afternoon, Oct. 3, 2021, at 4: 45 p.m, on behalf of the Congregational Holiness Church, the West Carolina District welcomed in their newest Church, El Gran Yo Soy, which translates "The Great I Am"! I, along with Secretary-Treasurer Rev. George James, Evangelism and Home Missions Director Rev. Cesar Beteta and spouse Blanca, and 2nd Assistant Director for our District Women's Ministries, Karen James, shared in the organization and induction service."
"It was hard to tell who was more excited, the people of El Gran Yo Soy, or those of us who had this great privilege and honor of conducting the service! I delivered the message "Commissioned to Build" and shared information concerning the General Departments. Brother George followed me and shared information for the West Carolina district functions. Brother Cesar shared the Articles of Faith of the CHC and interpreted the meeting. Sis. Blanca assisted in prayer and pictures of the ceremony. Finally, Sis. Karen spoke to the ladies concerning our general and district Women's Ministry functions! Tears flowed as we all praised God and worshipped Him for His greatness! El Gran Yo Soy, welcome to the family of the West Carolina District of the CHC! To God be the Glory!"
Please lift the El Gran Yo Soy CHC and Pastor Barahona up in prayer as they begin their journey with us. Pray that God will give them great favor as they work for Him in the Kingdom. Lastly, pray for Mission USA and our districts as we seek new works and areas to plant churches.

Left to Right:
Rev. George James - District Secretary/Treasurer
Sis. Sandra Barahona
Pastor Javier Barahona
Rev. James James - West Carolina District Superintendent

Left to Right
Rev. Cesar Betata - West Carolina District E&HM Director
Rev. James James - West Carolina District Superintendent