Welcome Rehoboth Congregational Holiness Church

Sunday, May 31st, marked a historic day for the North Georgia District as Rehoboth Congregational Holiness Church was chartered with the CHC in Banks County, Georgia. This church was birthed from the merging of two other established congregations, Mt. Sinai CHC and Fisherman’s Net CHC. The two churches that became one had their own rich history full of God’s blessings and favor. The merging of these two churches, with the Lord’s help, will ensure the continued blessings of the Lord far into the future.

Pastor Matthew Mote
Pastor Matthew Mote will be serving as Rehoboth’s first senior pastor. Pastor Mote and family bring with them many years of pastoral and ministry experience, and he preached a message at the inaugural service for Rehoboth CHC entitled “A Day to Remember.” Pastor Mote expressed his sincere desire not only to see God move within the four walls of the church but also for God to impact the community around them profoundly.

Prayer for Pastor Mote and wife Tracy
The charter service began with praise and worship, followed by an inspiring message from Pastor Mote. District Superintendent Mike Spence, his wife Sister Karen, and Bishop Charles Hanson anointed Pastor Mote and his wife Sister Tracy and prayed over them. Mission USA Administrator, Dr. Matthew Turner, followed by initiating the ceremony of officially welcoming Rehoboth CHC into the denomination. Bishop Charles followed by greeting the people and challenging them to seek the Lord and worship Him in spirit and truth. Rev. Spence led everyone in an anointed communion service as the church loved and appreciated Christ for all He has done. Dr. Turner then led Pastor Mote and congregation in the charge and covenant of the CHC affirmed by the signing of the charter membership role. Twenty-four charter members joined Rehoboth CHC, with 53 in attendance. It was a magnificent day in the Lord and one that will always be remembered.

Dr. Matthew Turner, Mission USA Administrator, presents Rehoboth CHC Charter Membership Certificate.

Charter Membership Signing
Photo Credit: Mike Spence